Photo-Electro Catalysis

International Doctorate Program of Excellence


Visit at Bayer_1

IDK members visit Bayer

Last week, Professor Oliver Reiser, our IDK spokesperson, along with PhD student Jonas Düker, visited Bayer's reaction and process optimization facilities in Wuppertal. The sunny day began with Professor Oliver Reiser providing an introduction to the IDK PEC research program and an overview of the ongoing research conducted by the principal investigators involved. This was followed by a fruitful discussion on how the existing academia-industry mentorship program can offer valuable insights into the challenges faced by industrial chemists and serve as a foundation for future collaborations.

Visit at Bayer_1

Visit at Bayer_2

Subsequently, engaging tours were conducted through the facilities, including the reaction optimization, kilogram scale, and in-situ analytics laboratories, which offered further fascinating insights into the realm of process chemistry.
We thank our industrial partners for their warm welcome and interesting discussions, and eagerly anticipate our next in-person meeting. A special thanks goes to Dr. Julius Hillenbrand and Dr. Finn Burg for the organization of our visit.